3- Nowhere to Go

The dust had a foul smell, like death. Sweat dripped down the sides of his eyebrows, dripped from his nose and onto his lips. The salty taste awoke his senses, as Vez stood panting, hands on knees. He looked past the bank, now just a foundation and rusted metal beams, bended and curved as if blocking view from the sun’s harsh gleam. Past the concaved bridge and sign reading Zone 13. He squinted too see past the brick lain graveyard, and the camp, to the hover carrier lifting off the ground and turning to head east. Vez knew it’d be the last time he’d look at these images. His eyes blinked quickly as to take it all in, to remember where he came from, and her.

My God, Cindy, he thought, How am I going to find her. He hurt knowing he left her, his stomach quenched as his heart pounded, feeling like part of him was gone. The worn escapee quickly regained his posture and stood upright, clinched fists, as too stand against an army. “I will find you” he claimed confidently to himself, no audience. He looked back around the city, not a soul in site. Faded far off squelches adverted his attention. Vez knew it was dangerous in this new world, and he knew nothing but the empty city and the camp. He had to formulate a plan, get supplies, and find Cindy, no matter what. At this very moment, standing in the ruins of the city he wanted nothing more than to hold the only thing he had left, but she was gone, taken. Where did they take her, he thought, bewildered by what had happened minutes before.  He had nowhere to go, and no one to help. East, he thought, thinking of the woman in the lab coat, and the guards firing at him. The hover was out of site, Vez headed to scavenge for supplies.

Music, I hear Music. Vez was in the historic downtown district of his old city, and heard distant songs. Familiar, but too far to tell what it was. He stayed close to the walls so to not bring attention to his presence. The historic buildings were the least mutilated. They stood only half glorious but some windows still intact. He inched along a wall in the shadow of the midday sun. A window behind him filled with flowers and fake fruit. The sign read Groce, broken in half, the other half on the ground, ries. The sign made him smirk, but quickly he regained cautiousness as moans and growls from the corner he just turned. A gun shot echoed down the street. Vez slipped inside the door, the bell rung as he entered, more groans and murmering. He crouched behind the display window, only one eye peering too see the oncoming danger, he held a tazer sturdy in hand, safety off.

He was trembling, unnerved at his first hours away from safety of the camp. As his eyes redirected to the floor he shuttered, and slid up the wall to take his first stand against the cruel world. Vez turned his head, pressed his cheek against the cold brick wall. Two men popped from around the corner. One man older but physically fit, carried a handgun with two hands, finger on the trigger. Another man slightly taller wore a bandana over his face, only his eyes peeked from a rifles scope. “The sound came from over here”, the older man moved towards the display window. Vez put his head up and closed his eyes, as if begging for a miracle. “In here” the rifle man put his gloved hand on the door of the grocery shop, and pushed slowly. the bell rang, and he busted through looking both ways, the older man behind him. “All clear Jackson” he put his gun strap over his shoulder and started to look around the store. Jackson, the older fellow, wore all camouflage and still stood engaged in the doorway.

Vez sat on the floor at the end of the snack isle, the shelves were mostly empty. The rifleman wandered down the isle, he was going through boxes of food. “Useless, Expired!”. Jackson looked back out the door, then headed down the opposite isle,”Rico stay quiet.” His raspy tattered voice, not loud enough for Vez to hear. The rifleman, Rico, continued down the isle. Vez went to look around the corner, his foot slipped and the rubber soles squeaked across the tile floor. The rifleman quickly lifted his bandana and gun and headed toward the freezer doors at the end of the isle. When he reached the last shelves, Rico looked right and saw some cans thrown across the floor. He turned and felt a pain shooting up his ankle. Vez pushed the tazer into the mans leg until he fell to the floor. Rico lost consciousness, and the boy stood victorious over his unknown enemy. A whistle, Vez turned to see a gun pointed in his face, then all went black. Jackson knocked him out with his gun. Vez laid on the ground next to Rico’s boots, both turned out. “What a mess” the old man laughed.

Vez awoke to bumps, his body shaking and rattled, and the sun on his face. He heard heavy breathing and an engine and opened his eyes. It was his own, he looked and saw tiny small squares of string. Jackson had tied his hands around his back and put him in the back of a pick up truck. He put a burlap sack over his head, not knowing if he was one to be trusted. Vez looked into the cab and screamed at the old man, ” Hey where are you taking me?”.Jackson hit his, now awake and angry, friend to direct his attention. Rico slid the glass of the back window open, “This is for earlier, little prick” He punched Vez in jaw, everything faded black again, and the sounds muffled to quiet.

Vez instantly began to dream of his old life. He saw the greenest grass and children playing on the swing sets in the park.  A couple walked passed and held hands and laughed. He looked around and the city was back to normal. Vez dreamt that he walked through the street and no war had ever happened. I have to warn them, he thought. He went to tell the couple, as they turned their faces molded into the masks of armored guards. He stepped back looking towards the park, the kids had disappeared. The grass had faded to brown and city seemed to blow away piece by piece in front of his eyes. He turned back hoping he wasn’t about to be shot. A dragon erupted out of the ground, tearing through the asphalt. With its white glowing eyes, seemingly rising from hell, Vez scurried backwards. The dragon was yellow and red, lifted its neck as its horned nose touched the sky, and scales shimmered and began to glow as fire came from behind its teeth. A bright light.

Vez awoke to the sound of music. It was soothing, The bag was ripped from his head and the sun gleamed, he squinted and looked around. A campground with twenty or so people. He saw children playing and a woman hanging laundry. ” Where am I?” Vez was stunned at his sudden peaceful surroundings. Rico and Jackson pulled him to his feet, and out of the truck. The campsite adverted their attention towards him. As the two men escorted Vez to a trailer hitched on the back of a truck. A motorcycle parked outside, mint condition, Vez thought. A woman stood in the doorway. “And who is this” she said, stepping down and feeling the hem of the travelers hooded sweatshirt. Storm clouds bellowed in the distance, Vex examined his jury.

All of the camp wore black or camouflage, and heavily armed. Even the children, he noticed were equipped with knives. The woman was burly. She had a beautiful face, but her body was built like a man. Her biceps flexed and she asked, “What’s your name kid?”. Vez looked at her straight in the eyes, “Vincent, my friends call me Vez.” The woman laughed, “Untie Vez here, and bring him to Docs.” Jackson untied Vex from the tight restraints and waved his hand, motioning for Vez to follow. Inside the tent containers filled the room, Medical supplies and a single chair. A man entered behind Vez.” Where am I”. The man smirked and took a blood sample. The light on the tester turned red and the man grabbed his neck, he held a blacklight up. “Does it matter” the man answered. He grabbed Vez’s wrist and turned it towards the light. His barcode reflected through his skin. Vez looked at the doctor. His eyes got big, and worried. “He’s Marked!” the man screamed outside as he pushed Vez through the tent.

The woman grabbed his arm, and Doc showed her with the light. His barcode reflected into her brown eyes, as she looked at Vez and screamed. “Hold him down!” She reached for her knife as Vez twisted to get away. Doc pushed him to the ground put his knee on his neck, ” Hold still, little devil.” The woman dug into the boys arm, the end of her blade pierced his skin and pushed under his code. He could feel the nerves being torn through as the embedded metal flopped over his skin, covered in blood. Breathing heavy, Vez was let up. He grabbed his wrist as the Doc grabbed wrap and tightly covered the fresh incision. “Come with me” The woman parted the tent flaps and tilted her head towards the trailer she came from. Vez followed holding his wrist, wandering what was going to happen to him. She stepped in the door, turned the doctor and slid her pants off. ” I’ll take it from here” Vez raised his eyebrows at Doc and turned to the woman in her underwear. He stepped in, the door shut behind them.

3- Nowhere to Go

2- Prisoners of War

Vez returned to his compound after his close encounter. He past by the recreation area with his head down and hands on his backpack straps. Looking at the ground he heard someone trying to get his attention, but ignored, and headed to his compound. He turned the corner passed the mess hall, a hand on his shoulder turned him around. Vez’s feet crossed and he fell backwards. Looking up to the dark figure standing in front of a bright street light, as the lean blur came into view.

It was a girl, slender but curvy. In the old world she would have been a super model, she had the cheeks for it, Vez thought. ” Hey Cin” he answered. As the beautiful young girl put her hand out and pulled the dreadlocks, hoodie and high tops to her level. ” Dude, you missed it!” she said. Of course, something lame I’m sure, he thought. ” Missed what?” Vez answered as if not caring, while he brushed off his pants. “What the hell, happened to you?” Cinder noticed that Vez was covered in dust. He looked at the girl up and down, every detail of her body was perfection, she thought. “I, uh, fell at the water plant” Vez lied. Cinder was beautiful but a smart girl, she knew something was going on. She looked at the dusty young man from the corner of her eye, “Riiight, anyway, you missed it Vez!”.  She went on, ” Police came today, they said that tomorrow, they were going to take us to a safer place!”

“Seriously!?” Vez was confused. “Yup!” Cindy said, “Can you believe it?” her eyes gleamed ecstatic.” We might finally get out of here!” Vez couldn’t believe it, It had been months since the last time the Emergency Workers came. The first year they came once a week. The officers had full armor body suits, with gas masks and dark goggles, and carried huge tazer guns. They never spoke. The guns shot electrical darts that immobilized people instantly. A necessary precaution since the end, citizens were confined and ordered, when before they were free. Vez once witnessed a man being tazed. The officers came as scheduled and took his daughter into the giant hovering helicopter. The furious father ran past the gate before closing. He jumped one of the cops and starting beating him. Another officer came and shot him in the face. The distraught dad seized instantly and collapsed, dart in face, still sparking. Vez stood in disbelief and wondered where they would be taken too, when they come. Probably another camp, he thought.

Cindy looked at Vez with sympathy as his blank stare conveyed his mind.” Why don’t you go shower and meet me as mess hall for supper?” She said. Vez shook his head, dust spraying in all directions. “Sounds Good” he replied, while turning to his door. He looked back as Cindy headed back towards the games and distant cheers of people. ” Hey, Cin, looking good” staring at her twisting curves while she walked. She turned and winked, then sprinted off. Vez headed toward his room. 134. Just like the number on his vest, everyone had their number. His building mostly empty, as residence left with officers over the years. Vez showered and thought of his old life. Green grass, and playing football with the kids from the city. If only I could go back, he thought. But that wasn’t possible, he knew that. Maybe my number will get picked tomorrow, and I will be in a better place, he hoped, as he groomed himself in his small one room corridor.

Vez headed to dinner and to see Cin. Entering the mess hall he noticed everyone was whispering among themselves. Faces not attending the trays of bland and colorless food. All looked worried. As he walked up to Cindy’s back, he noticed something was wrong. She bent forward putting her hands on her face and started crying. He put his hand on her back, “What’s wrong?”. She looked up at the now clean young man, hair pulled back, her eyes teary. Vez’s smile quickly turned concerned. He didn’t say a word, and waited for what everyone but him knew. The girls hair was long and wavy, she bragged often about it. She didn’t seem so pretty at the moment. She whispered to Vez what was going to happen. His mouth dropped in disbelief. He didn’t even want to eat any nasty nutrition, he ran to the door, and turned to head back to his lodging.

Vincent Hughes, 134,  collapsed to his knees as he entered his door. He stared at the ground ready to accept his fate. As if a samurai stood above him with a sword, ready to acknowledge him a soldiers honest death. Cindy ran in the door and grabbed him, they turned toward each other and embraced the body warmth. Vez ran his fingers through her hair, studying every grain of her smooth skin. His hand caressed down her cheek and under her chin. She looked up at the dark confident but weary eyes looking at her soul. They kissed and their lips fit like a puzzle, massaging every tingling nerve. Cin pushed him on the bed. They stripped off clothes, furiously thrusting and rubbing one another, as if the next day they would die.

The storm was ferocious this night. Vez turned and looked at the window, looking at the lightning and counting the seconds from the thunder sounding. He had heard each second was a mile. He counted one two three. Waiting as the next white bolt of electricity struck and lighted the sky to a calming purple color, above the clear glass roof. He turned to Cin and looked at her naked body, she really was perfect. Her breasts were a little large for her body size, but Vez wouldn’t have it any other way. While looking at the naked girl his subconscious flashed to the event earlier in the day. The infected woman screaming and wanting him for his body, not for his loving but for her to eat for her own survival. He laid back and sighed, gazing back to the storm outside. Cindy woke from her light panting sleep, “What are we going to do?” Vez looked back at her, Cin kept her eyes closed and rubbed his feet as if pressing for a response. Vez’s eyes lit up from the lighting storm,” We have to get out of here.”

The morning was calm. The dusty terrain stood still as the sun peeked over Zone 13. The camp was more busy than normal. Groups of people huddled at every corner, like gangs in a courtyard. Vez woke up, he frantically looked around feeling on the bed. Cindy was gone. He jumped up to put his pants on when the door flung open. A girl smirking, stood with two cups of coffee and a bag of dried fruit. He tripped and fell, again. “Falling for me?”
Cindy laughed. Vez stood up and continued to dress himself. They sat on floor, quietly, sipping their coffee, both deep in thought. The tired young man broke the silence,”So, do you think we are really going to be slaves?” Cindy grasped her half empty cup, and stood to look out of the small single pane window. ” That’s what everyone says” she sipped her coffee again. Vez stood to join her, ” So someone won the war, I guess, who knew.” He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, but she felt distant this time. Cindy turned and looked at him over the rim of her beige cup.” What the hell, are we going to do?” Vez’s face changed stern and determined, ” Were leaving, real soon.”

The Emergency Service Police were to arrive that day. Some of the camp continued their daily work habits, as others sat around waiting to be shipped and sorted, like cattle. Vez and Cindy were in her room, waiting for her to finish packing. Her room was decorated with drawings of people, and past historical events. One picture caught the eye of Vez. It was two planes crashing into two large towers, “That was the start of this”. Cindy turned and glanced for a second, ” Yea, I guess, it doesn’t matter now.” She put her hands on her hips, and clicked her feet together. “There, All done”. Vez examined the models bag, it was huge. She had packed double of everything, flashlights and rope hanging on the outside of her pack, perfectly coiled and placed. He looked at her, “Excessive isn’t it”. She objected, “We don’t know what could happen out there. I want to be prepared for whatever happens.” Vez looked at her and smiled big, “You’re right”. Vez and Cindy crept to the side of the back gate, where his escape tunnel was hidden. They peered behind the wall of the last structure to spot their projected path. It was clear, not a soul in sight. The couple casually walked towards the hologram, feet from freedom, and escaping slavery. The alarm sounded, and the two crouched by the hologram, looking to see if they had been caught. Towards the front of the camp,the biggest drone the two had ever seen turned and slowed to land at the gates. They were here.

Lines formed at the front gate as guards scanned people and their belongings. Bar codes were implanted in each person’s skin. Either on their wrist or back of the neck, it was required upon entering Zone 13 camp. A older man was dragged from his home, he screamed ” I have rights” as the guards put him to sleep with the electric dart guns. Vez and Cindy slipped into the wall, while the alarm had sounded upon arrival of The Emergency team. They looked towards the camp as their old homes were emptied. Vez moved the hologram to the outside and watched as the drones passed by. The carrier drone packed with survivors from Zone 13 started up. The ground shook and the alarms again went off. “Its now or never” Vez bit his lip and grabbed Cin’s hand pulling her from beneath the wall. One of the drones turned towards them as they ran for cover behind the brick walls. They stood with their back towards the camp, Vez looked to see if the drone had spotted them, he couldn’t see anything.

The alarms continued to sound as the carrier stood idle. He grabbed her hand and pulled the beauty with a pack larger than her, away from the wall to more cover. The drone flew around  in front of them, and lowered its guns. Shouts from the camp directed the couples attention. Two Emergency Police ran around from the front gate in their direction, the large drone behind them. Vez picked up a brick and hurled it at the security drone. The white copter spun uncontrollably and misfired directing a deadly shot towards the guards. The ground exploded with dust, as the fully armored cops turned to the blast. A woman emerged from the cloud of brown dirt. She was Asian, wearing a lab coat and holding a hologram screen. Eyes wide she only pointed at the young couple, directing the guards. A shot fired and exploded the bricks behind Cindy’s head. She screamed and the two sprinted toward freedom, as the red striped drone spun into a wall and exploded. Fragments burst at Vez and sliced a cut, breaking hold of his lovers hand.

“Are you okay?” Cindy grabbed his hand and checked the wound. “Yea”,  Vez claimed looking back to the officers in pursuit, “Let’s Go”. They ran over the brick rubble with the gunmen close behind. The woman in the lab coat walked patiently behind her dogs, tapping her screen. Cindy tripped and her heavy bag twisted her body in the opposite of direction. She held her ankle as Vez turned to her aid. “Damn it” she looked at her man “Just Go!” She pushed him and he fell back. The guards were right on top of them, “Go!” she yelled. Vez stood and looked at the crippled gem. A guard fired a shot. A dart sparking with bolts of blue, wisped towards the indecisive boy. He dodged, and explosions erupted as he turn to Cindy, “I will find you”. Cindy yelled again “Just go!” She picked up a rock and threw it behind her, falling one of the guards to the ground. Another electric shot from the grounded guards comrade disappeared past Vez. He turn and ran towards the broken city.

The woman in white, accompanied by the two black armored men, approached the hurt girl  leaning to one side holding the sprain. Cindy ignored them and sighed in relief that Vez was beyond dangers reach. She watched as he disappeared into the city. An earthquake erupted as the scientist continued to type. The guards pulled Cindy to her feet, she moaned. Looking at the woman awaiting her fate. The hologram lit up, a calm gentle voice spoke from the device, ” Return at once, 134 will be tracked. The boy is as good as dead.” The doctor looking woman typed again on her screen, escorting her prisoner to the drone. The alarm stopped as Cindy approached the carrier. She pulled away from the guards grasp to look back at the city. She whispered ” Stay safe love” hoping Vez would some how receive her concerns. She turned to see a gask mask and blue sparks. They seized her, and dragged the limp body onto the ramp of the large drone carrier. The hydraulic door lifted as they entered the dark entrance of the hover craft.

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2- Prisoners of War

1- A City Lost In Time

‘In the city, time was fast. People walking down the street had no time for singularity. Each had his own agenda. Time was daylight for some, others a deadline or important date. Some don’t claim to recognize the time but rather ignore it. Like that one guy that use to walk past here everyday. He use to listen to his music, so loud, that his time seemed to stand still. But he always walked in the same direction. That’s how I know, for sure, he still had a schedule. His hair was long and he had tattoos more than skin. He seemed so care free, yet, still had somewhere to be. I think his name was James, or, maybe that was one of his tattoos. I cant remember now. The past is a blur now. I still see how some things use to be. Like that restaurant over there, but no one could really afford it, which made it that much more appealing. That one time I took… (Screams) Shit, I have to get out of my head. I have my own agenda, Stay Alive.’

The screams came from a former street tunnel, now devouring rusted cars and wind blown garbage. A stocky young man runs from crouching at the street corner, and his thoughts, he throws his under supplied backpack over his shoulder, tazer in hand and the safety off. His agenda, stay alive no matter the cost. Vez, as he was now known, was a teenager that lived in the city his whole life. His black long matted hair and dark skin, even darker in recent days, was his signature look. Always wearing the same hoodie and jeans, not that there were many options. He did have two pairs of shoes; his favorite, the converse, black sole high tops. He had a pair of boots but didn’t feel the need to wear them, plus speed was important, and his reputation. Vincent was his former name, which only he, and a few others left knew. Vez kept to some of his old hobbies. Often he would stop and graffiti V E Z on the side of empty buildings with broken windows. Not that anyone noticed, the city was vacant. Mostly quiet unless the drones flew over to bomb, or someone was being ripped apart. He recognized the streets well, even with the apparent danger, felt more comfortable in the shadow of a city. He’d rather be there than the camp.

Vez ran past 10th avenue, as the sun set on the horizon. Only the camp in view and a blue haze from an incoming storm. As the soles of his shoes kicked up dust and dodged trash. The city was behind him, torn to pieces. The bombs, the drones drop, directed at individual buildings and taking out several floors with every explosion, as to exterminate a nuisance. Once the city had a name, residence, and was prosperous. It was a port city on a bay, 50 miles north of the ocean. One time rich with life, overpopulated, as most cities were. Post war its known as Zone 13. Marked by a large sign, where a half of a bridge hangs by a thread to the streets connecting on each side. The ‘last war’ some called it, nuclear bombs were thrown from country to country. Like a football game where the balls exploded, as each team was offense trying to intercept without care of immanent death, as Vez explained. Hundreds of miles from each impact zone, death and ruin apparent. Most large cities blown to the ground, nothing left but rebar and rubble of concrete. Survivors were few, and most became sick or died. Scientists trying to combat the radiation, came up with a cure. It was temporary and the sick died slower. The so called cure only extended their misery. Infected people once believing in the cure, now roam the dead world. The Last War demolished civilization. Not only did the war have an affect on life, but the weather too became fragile.

The skies and ground inconsistent with every hour. It was sporadic, and one of the biggest dangers. Earthquakes and tornadoes frequented, where people never experienced the disastrous events. Much of the coastal areas were plagued with tidal waves and abnormal tide changes. The water came up to zone 13 several times, only a few inches, more of an annoyance than disaster. Soaking everything on the ground and leaving a horrible mold smell, within a few hours. The surges leaving dead fish, attracting swarms of flies and pests. Storms were strange and several times a day, some carried heavy lightning and ear piercing thunder. Each storm blowing a different direction, and often caused several tornadoes and waterspouts. Some storms, from the impact zones, were full of dust and debris. If a storm did cause rain it was a heavy downpour and water was contaminated with the radiation from the warheads. More often then not it was hot and dry. Clean water was scarce, and food hard to come by. There was no way to prepare. The war sped the decay to an already dissolving world. Everyone knew not to go into the city anymore, yet Vez insisted.

The young city kid approached the back gate to Zone 13 camp. Before the war, caution camps were set up, in preperation of a nuclear war. Holding only healthy survivors, each having their place and purpose. Promised safety and as long as they stayed withing the facility and worked one shift each day. But people seemed to vanish as time went on. Less and less camp residents every year, and no one questioned their disappearance. Vez slipped on his vest with the patch that read 134WPT, water purifier technician number one hundred and thirty four. He pressed on buttons on large containers, set up to purify water, and watched for temperature changes. He was used for his build to carry the cartons to the delivery cart. The camps were set up with advanced technology for hundreds to survive for years. Powered by walls of solar panels and rows of wind turbines. Vez hid patiently behind an broken half brick wall, remnants of an entire suburban neighborhood. He was waiting for the security drones to pass. Drones were used for everything in camp. Large robotic hovers would come from Central Supply, dropping large containers of dried food and supplies. No one knows who is in charge or if there is a government left. Everyone works and stays alive, nobody messes with the system. The two flying drones, lined with two red stripes and security written on the side, pass each other, now was his chance. Vez sprinted toward the wall and slid on the ground. It looked as if he was going to hit the wall, the drones would notice and sound an alarm. He’d be detained or worse if they found him outside of the camp. Sliding towards the wall, Vez spotted his entrance, he rolled and dropped beneath the wall.

The clever kid left a hologram of the wall, in a spot he dug under the sensor areas. The fortress was layers of concrete with metal siding and bullet proof glass ceiling. The walls had sensors two feet up around the entire encampment. Before the war, it was a football stadium, now a fortress for the survivors. They shut off and doubled security one hour every night for testing and repairs. Vez forged a tunnel with tools from the water purifying warehouse. It took him months to dig, one hour every night. Each resident was allowed to use a personal hologram device. Used to watch previously recorded entertainment and keep an update of daily life, the teen thought it was a useless distraction to how miserable life of survival in a camp really was. Well almost useless, he thought. Intelligently he took a picture of the wall and projected it up when he exited. Pulling a layer of the wall behind him. He didn’t need entertainment anyway, the old city had enough exciting adventure. Though Vez was growing tired of running and hiding, carrying water crates for a shift of 5 whole hours. He longed to leave the camp and live a real life, like when he was kid. He laid in the small crevice peering behind the hologram, looking past the crumbled brick walls and to the skeleton of city on the horizon. Saying to himself ” Once upon a time, I had a life there. Now even time itself is lost.” Vez felt like a prisoner, and wanted to escape. “I will leave this world I know, soon enough” he proclaimed.

Laying and reflecting on the past, and dreaming of the future, Vez watched an opposing storm to the one he saw earlier was approaching over the city. He remembered going through testing facilities to gain entry to Zone 13’s camp. How the doctors and Emergency Police turned so many people away. Hundreds left crying and injured, no place in the world to go. The drones flew back by, and stopped right in front of him. Alarms sounded like a territorial elephant. Vez froze. The flying robots turned towards a brick pile where a house once stood, a family once lived. A dwindling female figure sprung out from the red stones. She ignored the howling drones and stared directly at boy. How, he thought, its at least 30 yards out and there is a hologram in front of me, impossible. The woman was infected from the radiation. The almost hairless being stood naked, screaming and rolling her head. She was obviously malnourished, her breasts hanging to the ribs which were protruding above her caved stomach. Her vocal chords gone from the chemicals. Her eyes bulging from her thin fading face, staring at the young man. She was starving, and smelled food, Vez her next prey.

It must have followed from the tunnel, he thought. The infected woman looked at the drones as to understand what they were. Uncaring, she jolted past them and at the wall where the trembling piece of meat laid. A bright light, The security drones fired at the infected hunter. She evaporated a few feet from Vez’s face, skin and dust sprayed through the hologram. Disgusted he inched back, almost setting off the sensors. An earthquake caused from the two storms enclosing, shook the dirt and walls. The security drones dropped to the ground and the sensor lights turned off. Vez crawled out and repositioned his hologram. Still shaken from the exploding infected. He stared at the wall. The sensors turned on and the lights gleamed red on the dusty figure. Vez looked up through the glass ceiling panes, and into the colliding forces of clouds and electricity and urged, “soon world”

Next Chapter>>>

1- A City Lost In Time